We supply our stock from various sources - shops and wholesailers, located in different parts of the world. This allows us to access limited editions of your beloved products and get prices not available to retail customers. The wholesale purchase of products also allows us to optimize delivery costs, which quite often exceed the price of the product.
But we buy only from reliable suppliers selling genuine products. We avoid any suppliers where the origin of the product is not clear. We guarantee that none of our products is counterfeit.
We send our items using tracked and insured delivery to almost every part of the world. If your purchase didn't arrive until the estimated date, don't panic. If it was sent to the destination outside UK, be prepared that delays in worldwide delivery happen relatively often, due to various, unforeseeable circumstances. Please wait an additional week, before asking us to check why your delivery didn't arrive.
When we'll get confirmed that your delivery is missing or its state is unknown for too long, we'll refund you all money you've paid for it.
There are few destinations, where the cost of tracked delivery is very high, so as an exception, we also give an option to get your purchase delivered without tracking and insurance. But in this case you are responsible if the item gets lost - no refund will be paid if you chose untracked delivery and it's missing. You will be clearly notified about this risk if you will be given such option and you choose it.
When your item arrives damaged, faulty or you received something different than what you've been expecting, please contact us immediately. We'll arrange a replacement or issue either partial or full refund. Please don't use, open or unseal such products until we agree the resolution of the problem, unless you had to do that in order to discover the issue.